

Disciple-Making Conferences

DMD offers multiple conference sizes and configurations.

Refine your vision

In the Epistles, we see that the early local church bodies had differing strengths and weaknesses. Today, the local church body, associations, and conventions continue to have a distinctive character. DMD believes that it is essential to understand the needs of the local church or association so that we can better assist and encourage you. DMD is committed to serving the Church no matter the size or nationality.


God has given us the answer to every question through His Word. Studying Jesus’ ministry provides the Message and the Method.


If teaching can not be understood or applied, then it lacks purpose. As a professor of theology, Dr. Moody is highly studied but intentionally sensitive to the needs of those involved.


Long after the conference, our team is dedicated to continually offering support and encouragement. Disciple-making, as Jesus designed, is founded on close and authentic friendships.

Disciple-Making Conferences

Events Tailored for Your Church

Leadership Training and Breakouts

Disciple-making conferences with breakout and teaching sessions focused on pastors and church leadership.

Personal Touch

DMD works to understand the strengths and weaknesses of your local church body or association so we can better support your mission.


DMD is continually creating new resources to equip the local church to be disciple-makers who make disciples.

Tailored Format

DMD has the staff and resources to facilitate a single session event or a multiple-day conference with varying breakouts.

Focused Breakouts

DMD’s staff consists of a widely skilled group of men and women qualified to teach various topics relating to every aspect of personal disciple-making and related ministries.

Continued Support

Jesus’ method for disciple-making involves an authentic personal investment. Our Team at DMD wants to build lasting friendships that extend long after a conference.
Dr. Christopher Moody
Founder & President

 Dr. Moody serves as lead pastor of Beaumont’s First Baptist Church and as a Professor of Systematic Theology for Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary and Grace School of Theology.

    Curt Edgerton
    Executive Director

    Curt has a background in philosophy and apologetics and is a passionate evangelist. With his photography and videographer skills, Curt is at heart a content creator.

      Brittany Miller
      Curriculum and Content

      Brittany focuses on equipping and encouraging her children and the women around her. Brittany employs her training and experience in women’s and family disciple-making to create curriculum and content for DMD.

        Mollie Lund
        Curriculum and Missions

        Mollie is passionate about Christ, His Church, and His gospel is made known among all nations. Her work with DMD missions and curriculum allows her to combine her experience in missions with her ability to help others understand God’s Word.